Aug 15, 2021
Cloudkair acquired Sehteq’s innovative claims technology
Sehteq’s innovative claims technology is acquired by a CloudKair cloud computing firm. The whole tech stack will be hosted on AWS, and then offered to insurance companies and TPAS in the region as a real per click or per user. I can tell this unit is going straightforward to IPO in the next few years. The transaction will be completed in Jan 2022 and it will change the ownership and business model of Sehteq TPA.
Sehteq is a Fortune’s 50 most funded startup in the Middle East, and ranked on LinkedIn Top Startups in the UAE.
Sehteq is “ seh for Seha, Arabic for health” and “ teq for technology” and is the largest health Insurtech in the region and among the top 10 Insurtech startups in the world.
The startup grew through a number of M&A transactions to be the 4th largest provider of health insurance services in the region.